POST api/v1/InvoicePrint
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
InvPrintInputName | Description | Type | Additional information |
InvoiceID | integer |
None. |
Result | integer |
None. |
BillType | string |
None. |
TaxanomyID | integer |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "InvoiceID": 1, "Result": 2, "BillType": "sample string 3", "TaxanomyID": 4 }
application/xml, text/xml
<InvPrintInput xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <BillType>sample string 3</BillType> <InvoiceID>1</InvoiceID> <Result>2</Result> <TaxanomyID>4</TaxanomyID> </InvPrintInput>
Response Information
Resource Description
InvPrintModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
CompName | string |
None. |
CompAddress | string |
None. |
CompCity | string |
None. |
GSTNo | string |
None. |
BankName | string |
None. |
BankAcNo | string |
None. |
IFSC | string |
None. |
FASSAINo | string |
None. |
OrderNo | string |
None. |
OrderDate | date |
None. |
BillNo | string |
None. |
BillDate | date |
None. |
UserName | string |
None. |
DispatchThru | string |
None. |
PaymentMode | string |
None. |
PaymentStatus | string |
None. |
OrderStatus | string |
None. |
CurrentStatusID | string |
None. |
BasicAmt | decimal number |
None. |
CGSTAmt | decimal number |
None. |
SGSTAmt | decimal number |
None. |
IGSTAmt | decimal number |
None. |
GTotAmount | decimal number |
None. |
TotQty | decimal number |
None. |
Roff | decimal number |
None. |
ShippingName | string |
None. |
ShippingAddress | string |
None. |
ShippingCity | string |
None. |
ShippingMobile | string |
None. |
ShippingState | string |
None. |
ShippingGST | decimal number |
None. |
ShippingGSTPer | decimal number |
None. |
ShippingHSN | string |
None. |
ShippingCharge | decimal number |
None. |
BillingName | string |
None. |
BillingAddress | string |
None. |
BillingCity | string |
None. |
BillingMobile | string |
None. |
CustGST | string |
None. |
CGSTorIGST | string |
None. |
RupeesInWord | string |
None. |
AvilableLoc | string |
None. |
PackingGST | decimal number |
None. |
PackingGSTPer | decimal number |
None. |
PackingHSN | string |
None. |
PackingCharge | decimal number |
None. |
InvItemDetails | Collection of InvPrintDetailModel |
None. |
invGSTDetails | Collection of InvPrintGSTModel |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "CompName": "sample string 1", "CompAddress": "sample string 2", "CompCity": "sample string 3", "GSTNo": "sample string 4", "BankName": "sample string 5", "BankAcNo": "sample string 6", "IFSC": "sample string 7", "FASSAINo": "sample string 8", "OrderNo": "sample string 9", "OrderDate": "2024-10-13T09:39:59.6384528+05:30", "BillNo": "sample string 11", "BillDate": "2024-10-13T09:39:59.6384528+05:30", "UserName": "sample string 13", "DispatchThru": "sample string 14", "PaymentMode": "sample string 15", "PaymentStatus": "sample string 16", "OrderStatus": "sample string 17", "CurrentStatusID": "sample string 18", "BasicAmt": 19.0, "CGSTAmt": 20.0, "SGSTAmt": 21.0, "IGSTAmt": 22.0, "GTotAmount": 23.0, "TotQty": 24.0, "Roff": 25.0, "ShippingName": "sample string 26", "ShippingAddress": "sample string 27", "ShippingCity": "sample string 28", "ShippingMobile": "sample string 29", "ShippingState": "sample string 30", "ShippingGST": 31.0, "ShippingGSTPer": 32.0, "ShippingHSN": "sample string 33", "ShippingCharge": 34.0, "BillingName": "sample string 35", "BillingAddress": "sample string 36", "BillingCity": "sample string 37", "BillingMobile": "sample string 38", "CustGST": "sample string 39", "CGSTorIGST": "sample string 40", "RupeesInWord": "sample string 41", "AvilableLoc": "sample string 42", "PackingGST": 43.0, "PackingGSTPer": 44.0, "PackingHSN": "sample string 45", "PackingCharge": 46.0, "InvItemDetails": [ { "ProdDescr": "sample string 1", "CategoryName": "sample string 2", "UOM": "sample string 3", "ProdRate": 4.0, "BasicAmt": 5.0, "CGSTPer": 6.0, "SGSTPer": 7.0, "IGSTPer": 8.0, "Qty": 9.0, "TotalAmt": 10.0, "CGSTAmt": 11.0, "SGSTAmt": 12.0, "IGSTAmt": 13.0, "HSNCode": "sample string 14" }, { "ProdDescr": "sample string 1", "CategoryName": "sample string 2", "UOM": "sample string 3", "ProdRate": 4.0, "BasicAmt": 5.0, "CGSTPer": 6.0, "SGSTPer": 7.0, "IGSTPer": 8.0, "Qty": 9.0, "TotalAmt": 10.0, "CGSTAmt": 11.0, "SGSTAmt": 12.0, "IGSTAmt": 13.0, "HSNCode": "sample string 14" } ], "invGSTDetails": [ { "CGSTPer": 1.0, "SGSTPer": 2.0, "CGSTAmt": 3.0, "SGSTAmt": 4.0, "BasicAmt": 5.0, "GSTPer": 6.0 }, { "CGSTPer": 1.0, "SGSTPer": 2.0, "CGSTAmt": 3.0, "SGSTAmt": 4.0, "BasicAmt": 5.0, "GSTPer": 6.0 } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<InvPrintModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AvilableLoc>sample string 42</AvilableLoc> <BankAcNo>sample string 6</BankAcNo> <BankName>sample string 5</BankName> <BasicAmt>19</BasicAmt> <BillDate>2024-10-13T09:39:59.6384528+05:30</BillDate> <BillNo>sample string 11</BillNo> <BillingAddress>sample string 36</BillingAddress> <BillingCity>sample string 37</BillingCity> <BillingMobile>sample string 38</BillingMobile> <BillingName>sample string 35</BillingName> <CGSTAmt>20</CGSTAmt> <CGSTorIGST>sample string 40</CGSTorIGST> <CompAddress>sample string 2</CompAddress> <CompCity>sample string 3</CompCity> <CompName>sample string 1</CompName> <CurrentStatusID>sample string 18</CurrentStatusID> <CustGST>sample string 39</CustGST> <DispatchThru>sample string 14</DispatchThru> <FASSAINo>sample string 8</FASSAINo> <GSTNo>sample string 4</GSTNo> <GTotAmount>23</GTotAmount> <IFSC>sample string 7</IFSC> <IGSTAmt>22</IGSTAmt> <InvItemDetails> <InvPrintDetailModel> <BasicAmt>5</BasicAmt> <CGSTAmt>11</CGSTAmt> <CGSTPer>6</CGSTPer> <CategoryName>sample string 2</CategoryName> <HSNCode>sample string 14</HSNCode> <IGSTAmt>13</IGSTAmt> <IGSTPer>8</IGSTPer> <ProdDescr>sample string 1</ProdDescr> <ProdRate>4</ProdRate> <Qty>9</Qty> <SGSTAmt>12</SGSTAmt> <SGSTPer>7</SGSTPer> <TotalAmt>10</TotalAmt> <UOM>sample string 3</UOM> </InvPrintDetailModel> <InvPrintDetailModel> <BasicAmt>5</BasicAmt> <CGSTAmt>11</CGSTAmt> <CGSTPer>6</CGSTPer> <CategoryName>sample string 2</CategoryName> <HSNCode>sample string 14</HSNCode> <IGSTAmt>13</IGSTAmt> <IGSTPer>8</IGSTPer> <ProdDescr>sample string 1</ProdDescr> <ProdRate>4</ProdRate> <Qty>9</Qty> <SGSTAmt>12</SGSTAmt> <SGSTPer>7</SGSTPer> <TotalAmt>10</TotalAmt> <UOM>sample string 3</UOM> </InvPrintDetailModel> </InvItemDetails> <OrderDate>2024-10-13T09:39:59.6384528+05:30</OrderDate> <OrderNo>sample string 9</OrderNo> <OrderStatus>sample string 17</OrderStatus> <PackingCharge>46</PackingCharge> <PackingGST>43</PackingGST> <PackingGSTPer>44</PackingGSTPer> <PackingHSN>sample string 45</PackingHSN> <PaymentMode>sample string 15</PaymentMode> <PaymentStatus>sample string 16</PaymentStatus> <Roff>25</Roff> <RupeesInWord>sample string 41</RupeesInWord> <SGSTAmt>21</SGSTAmt> <ShippingAddress>sample string 27</ShippingAddress> <ShippingCharge>34</ShippingCharge> <ShippingCity>sample string 28</ShippingCity> <ShippingGST>31</ShippingGST> <ShippingGSTPer>32</ShippingGSTPer> <ShippingHSN>sample string 33</ShippingHSN> <ShippingMobile>sample string 29</ShippingMobile> <ShippingName>sample string 26</ShippingName> <ShippingState>sample string 30</ShippingState> <TotQty>24</TotQty> <UserName>sample string 13</UserName> <invGSTDetails> <InvPrintGSTModel> <BasicAmt>5</BasicAmt> <CGSTAmt>3</CGSTAmt> <CGSTPer>1</CGSTPer> <GSTPer>6</GSTPer> <SGSTAmt>4</SGSTAmt> <SGSTPer>2</SGSTPer> </InvPrintGSTModel> <InvPrintGSTModel> <BasicAmt>5</BasicAmt> <CGSTAmt>3</CGSTAmt> <CGSTPer>1</CGSTPer> <GSTPer>6</GSTPer> <SGSTAmt>4</SGSTAmt> <SGSTPer>2</SGSTPer> </InvPrintGSTModel> </invGSTDetails> </InvPrintModel>